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If you don't claim the offer at the time of your first deposit, you can do so at any time within 30 days of registering your account. Simply log in to your account, go to the Account menu, choose My Offers then click Claim Now for the relevant offer. Available to new customers only. If you are new to bet365 and are eligible for our Free Bets Open Account Offer, simply log in to your account and make a qualifying deposit in line with the Terms and Conditions of the offer, which can be located by selecting My Offers via the Account Menu . How it works: Log in to your account and navigate to Free4All. Available on the homepage and the Free Games tab within selected classifications. Correctly answer two questions about the first-half of the selected event and, if you get these right, you can then answer two more on the second-half. Any returns from your Free Bet stake will be added to your withdrawable balance but your Free Bet stake is not included in any returns. site de aposta pagando por cadastro